Yoga Toes suddenly reduces foot pain? 807 reviews on Amazon!
Ever heard of Yoga Toes? Yesterday’s Wall Street Journal had a quick little article about some methods and solutions to defeat foot pain – specifically talking about toe stretches and a product for feet called Yoga Toes. The device, on the market for the past 4 years, helps stretch out your toes and eases some forms of foot pain like hammertoes and Morton’s neuroma.
As the article revealed, “Physicians say toe-stretching appears to help with a wide variety of foot pain, but add that it will be most effective when used along with strengthening exercises. Scientific evidence is scant, but a small study presented at a scientific meeting in 2012 found that toe-stretching with YogaToes, from FenF LLC, Dexter, Mich., eased painful muscle contractions in the foot in patients with Parkinson’s disease.”
Read more here at the Wall Street Journal to see what the reviewer had to say about the effectiveness of certain Yoga-type stretches and the impact of Yoga Toes after she wore them for a week.
Amazon has them on sale for $29.95, with 807 mostly-positive reviews.
Have any of you tried these Yoga Toes at home? Is this a real solution, or somewhat of a gimmick? Let us know in the comments below!